Ways to Empower 21st Century Women to Manage Family Health Better

Ways to Empower 21st Century Women to Manage Family Health Better- Women plays a vital role in each of our lives as a daughter who further in life becomes a wife and a mother. She is the one who not only nurture us, but also acts as an ultimate support in our lives. But, this women, did not had a good past in the earlier generations. Earlier, where man were considered to be the bread earner , women were considered to sit at home and nurture the family. This belief of our Indian society led its way to a male-dominated society where men were considered to be superior than women.

Manage Family Health
Family Health Care

But, On the coming of 21st Century, the women gained their power and as we can all see, today the women are as successful as men. The women of today works in the corporate world with the men and are very well aware of their rights and duties. The women who were earlier restricted to their houses only has now joined hands with the men and are working brilliantly in almost every field . But, inspite of being a good decision maker and a good manager in the offices, It has become very important for a women to be a good wife and a good mother. It has become very important for today’s women who is very busy with the office work , to take care of her family as well. The women should keep in mind that the family health care is as important as the office work.  And, it does not take much of an effort to maintain your family health due to the advancement these days.One can maintain a good family health by

Ways to Empower 21st Century Women to Manage Family Health Better:

  • Using various products that has come In the market that ensure healthy results such as use of olive oil in the food to avoid high cholesterol problems ; use of medicated hand washes, sanitizers by every member before and after meals so as to avoid  the spreading of diseases.
  • Starting the day with a healthy breakfast as it energizes your body for the whole day.
  • Including more and more vegetables and fresh fruits in the meals to ensure good immune system.
  • Using of low fat and low-calorie milk.
  • Avoiding the intake vitamin supplements . Instead directly consuming the products rich in nutrition.
  • Encouraging physical activity. Make sure that everybody in the family does physical activity at least 30minutes a day.
  • Making plans out with the family such as small vacations so as to avoid stress in life.
  • Becoming a role model for your children by doing something active everyday as children imitate their parents.
  • Encouraging more water intake instead of sodas and cold drinks.
  • Following the rule of “early to bed, early to rise, makes the man healthy, wealthy and wise”.
  • Getting full body check-ups at least once a year and making sure to get vaccinated.
  • Building healthy relationships with family and friends.

Health has become a worldwide problem these days and it has become very important for us to take care of ourselves as well as our family which can be easily avoided by adopting a healthy lifestyle where everything we consume is natural and healthy.

Stay fit, stay healthy!